Movement is change in position from initial position. Human and animal movements occur due to cooperation between bone ( skeleton ), muscles, and joints.
             Plant movements are generally difficult to observe since they can  not move actively. Plant movements that easy to observe are movement of mimosa ( mimosa pudica ) and that of Sundew  plant. Mimosa wiil shut is leaves if you touch it or you make any movement near to it.
             Other plant movements are  relatively dfficult to observe since they are growing movement, for example, shoot growth to sunbeam, growing movement of root end to break trough ground, and flower blossoming movement at four o’clock in the afternoon. 

            Breathing is a process of taking air containing much oxygen and releasing residual substances in from of carbon dioxide and vapor. Oxygen taken by body is used to oxidate food. Result of food oxidation is energy used by organism to perform varios life activities like movement .
            Aquatic animals like varios species of fish, for example, gold fish,shark, and ray breathe by gill. By gill, fish can take oxygen dissolved in water. Fish living in waters with low level of oxygen has auxiliary respiratory organ named labyrinth.    
            If human and animal respirations are easy to observe, you can not see process of plant respiration easily. Plant takes oxygen and releases carbon dioxde mostly through small holes on leaf’s surface named stoma ( plural : stomata ). Most stomata are located on lower surface of the leaf. Plant also tkes oxygen through linticel on stem.  
            To release were energy, organims also require food that further will be oxidized by oxygen. Food also on growth and to change damaged or body parts. How about plant? Have you once seen and plant consuming food? The way how plant obtaining food is not like human and animal. Plant can create its nown   food atthe assintance of sunlight. The  procces is called photosnthesis. Plant can create its own food since its leaf contains clhlotopyll that may absorb annergy from the sunlight. Trough photosynthesis process, plant changes minerlas that take from ground, carbon dioxide, and water into it food. 
           Growth is a process of measurement increase including heigth, weigth, and size ( volume ). Growth is an irreversible process. It means that grown organism can not be reversed. Upon human and animal, growth will stop when they reach certain ages. Male will stop growing when he reaches around 25 years old, whereas female will stop at about 21 years old.
         Planted seed will sprout and grow higher, bigger, and denser. Hatched egg will    break out and then grow higher, heavier, and bigger. It shows growth an development of organisms.
            reproduction of animal and plants can be distinguished into two, those are generative ( sexual ) and vegetative ( asexual ). Reproduction of organisms will be learnt in more details in class IX.
            Durian is sharp when you touch it, apple is slippery adn smooth while kiwi is very soft and hairy. You can feel it trough your skin. Skin can also temperature, presurre, rough, and smooth of any thing.Skin is asense. Sense means any organ sensitive to certain stimuli. In addition to skin, you still have four other sensee.
           Animals are also sensitive to external stimuli. Pets will come to you when yo call me. Earth worm will avoid light stimuli. Centipede will coil when you touch it.
          Although it plants have no senses, plants are also sensitive to stimuli. One of most sensiteive plants tosyimuli is mimosa ( mimosa pudica ). the plant will immediatelt shut its leaves if there is stimulus in from of etheir touch of vibration.
          Organism sensitivity to external stimuli is called irritability. By irritability, organisms are capable to receive and to response to any external stimuli.      
             Sweat is a waste product to get rid. Urine is also a waste product to get rid. While breathing,you will also release waste substances in from of carbon dioxide and vapor. Waste substances must be excreted since they may poison your body,may disturb your body or even may endanger your life. Process of releasing waste product is called excretion.
             Animals and plants also produce waste product. Waste product removal in vertebrate is similar to that in human. Plant removes its waste product in front of carbon dioxide and vapor through stomata and lenticel


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