SCIENTIFIC METHOD is away to solve problems by following definite and regular ways
1)    Formulating Problems
Problems are scientific questions to solve. Problems are expressed in open questions those  are question where its answer is in form of statement, not “ yes “ or “ no” answer. Also select any problems possible to solve by experimen.
2)     Conducting Preliminary Observation
It is to colllet information on any thing relate to the probelm. We can do it through experience, varios sources of knowledge, consultation to experts, and by reading all reference related to the problem
3)&nbrp;    Arranging Hypothesis
Hyppotesis is any idea or provisional assumptions on solving problems proposed in the scientific research. You should remember if you get that results of your hypothesis testing is not true, it does not mean that the research you conduct is wrong.
4)     Conducting Experiment
Experiment is desgned and implemented to test proposed hyphotesis.when doing experiment, you should calcute all variables influecing the experiment. Try to make only on independent variable during the experiment! For a good result, replcate it!
5)    Taking Conclusions
Conclusions is a result expressing relation between experiment and hyphotesis. Conclusions you take may conform to the hypothesis but it is also possible to be contarary to the hypothesis. If conslusions conforms to hypothesis, you can provide with thought for further research. However, if the hypothesis that you arrange does not conform to the conclusions, nver change data you obtained! If you have sufficiet time, it is better for you to do the experiment again. 

Example of scientific method application in  research on malaria disease. Malaria is derived from two words, those are mal and aria meanin gbad weather/air. In the past time, people though that malaria was caused by bad weather coming from swamps. In 1880, a French pyhsician named Charles Laveran treated a soldier suffering malaria in Algeria. Laveran exanamed the soldier’s blood under microscope. He found that thatthe soldier’s blood cells contained strange objects similar to ring. Laveran predicted that  the strange, object was cause of malaria  since it was not found in red blood cells of healthy people. To prove object his hypothesis Laveran injected the blood of malaria sufferer into a healthy person. After injection, the healthy person was infected by mlaria disease.


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